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News > The House > SUMMER VIIIs


We are looking forward to cheering on the House crews for Summer VIIIs which starts today!
22 May 2024
The House

Christ Church Boat Club member, Johannes Hartmann, will provide a live stream of the races (with the exception of Division III races when Johannes will be racing).

Our crews will race at the following times:

W1: Div I, 6:45pm (1st on the river)

M1: Div I, 6:15pm (2nd on the river)

W2: Div III, 4:45pm (34th on the river)

M2: Div III, 4:15pm (28th on the river)

M3: Div VI, 1:15pm (67th on the river).

On Saturday the divisions will be one hour earlier.

Watch here!

Follow the results live here!


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