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News > The House
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Dr Chenying Liu, Oxford University Postdoctoral Researcher, and Lecturer at Christ Church

Dr Chenying Liu has been named as one of this year's British Science Association Award Lecturers, as well as recipient of the Josh Award for Science a… More...

Revd Dr Kirsty Borthwick

Revd Dr Kirsty Borthwick, who is currently based at All Saints, Leighton Buzzard, and serves as Assistant Curate for the Diocese of St Albans, will be… More...

Professor Simon Dadson

Professor Simon Dadson and his team received the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Engagement Award on 8 May 2024, at Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre. More...

The Library’s manuscript of a book of Psalms in French, written out in a large variety of scripts by the calligrapher Esther Inglis (c. 1569–1624), is… More...

Professor Luke Bretherton and Revd Professor Andrew Davison 

Professor Luke Bretherton appointed as Canon and Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, and Revd Professor Andrew Davison appointed as Canon… More...

Christ Church has a responsibility to conserve and manage the Meadow, with a commitment to enhancing nature conservation. To this end, the Christopher… More...

The Christ Church team

This year’s Modern Pentathlon Cuppers was held on Saturday 11 May, at Iffley Road Sports Centre, and brought together teams from Christ Church, Magdal… More...

Photo: Al Craigie et al.

We are delighted to share the final results of this year's Summer VIIIs, especially since the Christ Church W1 boat held their Headship! More...

We are looking forward to cheering on the House crews for Summer VIIIs which starts today! More...

Photo by Jagyoseni Mandal

Northern lights captured by Jagyoseni Mandal (2020, History) on Saturday 11 May. More...

The group outside Christ Church Library

Stephen Chater (1974, Modern History), Master’s Steward of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, reports on a recent visit to Chri… More...

Discussion panel in Christ Church Library

On Saturday 20 April, a day conference of leading historians met to discuss the significance of Church Church MS 540, a copy of a 1632 Prayer Book hel… More...

'A Rocky Coast, with Soldiers Studying a Plan'

Christ Church’s Picture Gallery's seventeenth-century painting ‘A Rocky Coast, with Soldiers Studying a Plan’, stolen from the gallery on 14 March 202… More...

Revd Clare with Members of the College Choir

Revd Clare Hayns, College Chaplain and Welfare Coordinator, reflects on her time at Christ Church. More...

News of the Picture Gallery's current exhibition, which runs until Monday 17 June 2024. More...

Archie Inns (2021)

Archie Inns awarded 2024 Oxford and Cambridge Club Music Prize. More...

Family Programme members in Hall

Matt Bremner, father of student Kaito Bremner (2023, Engineering Science), describes his recent visit to Christ Church on Saturday 9 March. More...

Christ Church Members and friends at the White Hart, Barnes

Caroline Williams (1990, English) reports on a gathering of Christ Church alumni and friends at the White Hart, Barnes, for the Varsity Boat Races on … More...

Lucas Colley

Second-year Computer Science & Philosophy undergraduate, Lucas Colley, has become a maintainer of SciPy – a free, open-source software library used by… More...

Christ Church MS 540

Christ Church Upper Library study day on Saturday 20 April. More...

Christ Church Members join crews for Varsity Boat Races. More...

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