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News > The House > NORTHERN LIGHTS


Northern lights captured by Jagyoseni Mandal (2020, History) on Saturday 11 May.
16 May 2024
The House
Photo by Jagyoseni Mandal
Photo by Jagyoseni Mandal

Student Ambassador, Jagyoseni Mandal (2020, History), photographed the aurora borealis above Christ Church early last Saturday morning. 

Jagyoseni is enjoying her studies at Christ Church – as well as contributing to other aspects of college life:

"I am a fourth year DPhil student in the History of Medicine. I study the globalisation of indigenous medicine and infectious disease in colonial India. I am also currently the BAME officer at the Christ Church GCR, where I had previously been the Welfare Officer. I work as a student ambassador for the college where I help with various alumni events. I find this role very fulfilling as this gives me an opportunity to meet our wonderful alumni."




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