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This year’s Modern Pentathlon Cuppers was held on Saturday 11 May, at Iffley Road Sports Centre, and brought together teams from Christ Church, Magdalen College and New College.
10 Jun 2024
The House
The Christ Church team
The Christ Church team

Since 1958, the Oxford University Modern Pentathlon Association has tested the athletic abilities of generations of Oxford students, and each year teams representing Oxford colleges compete in the Cuppers to see who can fence, swim, run and shoot their way to victory.

In this year's competition, the House was represented by Esther Miles, Louis Wilson, Anouska Brooks, Jack Barker and Faris Firoozye. 

Proceedings began with two-hit épée fencing. Despite being new to fencing, Christ Church’s Louis Wilson managed to place second overall. 

The whole Christ Church team took part in the combined run and shoot. The event, in which athletes run 3.2km and pause to shoot every 800m, was particularly challenging in the intense sunshine, but all five team members completed the event.

Four of the team members took part in the final event – a 200m freestyle swim. By the end of the day, Christ Church had achieved an impressive lead, with a cumulative 5,648 points to Magdalen’s 4,804 points and New’s 4,448 points.


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