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Christ Church has a responsibility to conserve and manage the Meadow, with a commitment to enhancing nature conservation. To this end, the Christopher Lewis Fund was launched on Tuesday 7 May.
13 Jun 2024
The House

Former Dean Christopher Lewis, along with lead donor Peter Paine Jr (1957, Law), gave short speeches at the launch event attended by Members and friends. Head Gardener, John James, led a tour of the meadow. The Longhorn cattle, re-introduced during Christopher Lewis’ time as Dean, were unfortunately conspicuous by their absence: the amount of flooding during the winter and spring meant that they had not yet returned from their winter home. John James outlined the work his team are doing to reintroduce native water meadow species to Christ Church.  The Meadow is home to many protected animal species, including bats, badgers, water voles, otters, reptiles and amphibians.

Further details of the project are here, along with some photos from the event.


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